Cita: Sein-Echaluce, M. L., Fidalgo-Blanco, Á., Artur, C. U., Artur, I. U., Ara, L. H., Guillén, P. B., & García, C. B. (2018, October). MOOC on the correct use of the intellectual property in academic environments. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 691-697).
MOOC on the correct use of the intellectual property in academic environments.
The respect to the author’s rights in academic contexts is an important concern of educational institutions. For this reason, besides the inclusion of software to detect plagiarism or any other legal measures, training on this respect should be one of their main objectives. This paper presents two editions of the MOOC «Good practices in the academic use of intellectual property».
It is aimed primarily at teachers and students, and contains advice, examples, and legislation about the subject, for Spanish speakers. Two surveys (initial and final) allow to obtain results of the two editions and establish similarities and differences regarding the participant’s profile, previous knowledge, the MOOC’s completion, and the satisfaction of participants.
Ángel Fidalgo-Blanco ( Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
María Luisa Sein-Echaluce ( Universidad de Zaragoza, España
Clara Ubieto-Artur ( Universidad de Zaragoza, España
María-Isabel Ubieto-Artur ( Universidad de Zaragoza, España