Learning analytics to identify the influence of leadership on the academic performance of work teams.

Cita: Fidalgo-Blanco, Á., Sein-Echaluce, M. L., Esteban-Escaño, J., Peñalvo, F. J. G., & Conde, M. Á. (2016, November). Learning analytics to identify the influence of leadership on the academic performance of work teams. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 377-382).


Learning analytics to identify the influence of leadership on the academic performance of work teams.


In the academic context teamwork has a dual mission: to train students in teamwork competence and the active participation of students in their own learning. Authentic leadership of teams is the key to both goals.

This paper presents a research which relates leadership, team grades (individual and group) and student-student interactions. The CTMTC teamwork method is used, as it allows continuous monitoring of teamwork and evaluates the work of the leader and the rest of the team members separately.

The measurement tools, a survey for the individual opinion on the authentic leader actions, and a learning analytics system to analyze student-student interactions in forums, help to confirm the following hypothesis: that CTMTC encourages leadership role, that leadership skills are related with team grades and that learning analytics systems help predicting the behavior of teams with true leadership.


Ángel Fidalgo-Blanco (angel.fidalgo@upm.es) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

María Luisa Sein-Echaluce (mlsein@unizar.es) Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Javier Esteban-Escaño (jesteban@unizar.es) Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Miguel Conde-González (mconde@usal.es) Universidad de  León, España

Francisco José García-Peñalvo (fgarcia@usal.es) Universidad de  Salamanca, España

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